Director's Note

Darling Young People! We can do a few things well and we seek to make people smile, particularly the young minds. We discovered a tool-kit; giving people what we have. We transfer skill and knowledge for as good as free, yes for almost nothing.

I was like just like you. As young people we are strong but wisdom is better, strength is not enough to create real and sustainable value, we have strength to sprint but lack the skills, yes, deficient of the wisdom to win a laurel from life's marathon. We are inexperienced and thus vulnerable, all because of skills deficit. This deficiency tempts us to give up and join the mass of spectators manufacturing applause that may never create value.

For lack of knowledge and skills we are denied the joy of creating real value. Yes, we are vulnerable! But this social enterprise [CIPHEY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED] is here to strengthen the weak hands, the blind shall see and the lame shall walk. We are here by the grace of God to show as many as would learn the skills to live and not just survive. All for next to nothing.


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